Project SOS (Supply Our Schools) will be hosting Fill the Bus on Friday, August 2nd from 10:00 - 6:00 at Wal Mart on North Street in Nacogdoches. The purpose is to fill the big school bus with supplies for students in Nacogdoches County. Students from various schools across the county will be working together on August 2nd. Indians, Blue Devils, Eagles, Pirates, Owls, Bearcats, Bulldogs and Dragons all come together for this special event. Students need basic supplies to be successful in the classroom. School supplies can be very expensive. Greater East Texas Community Action partners with KSWP/KAVX radio, Nacogdoches County schools and the Nacogdoches Jr. Forum to solicit supplies benefitting students across Nacogdoches. 100% of donations go toward supplies for students.

Supplies are distributed to school campuses prior to the start of school. Families needing help with supplies should contact their local school counselor or principal's office.