Services are designed to stop air infiltration in the home of low-income elderly and disabled clients and low income working families. Activities such as insulating attics, caulking, and weather stripping are performed to help make homes more comfortable and to conserve energy. Counties served are Nacogdoches, Angelina, Houston, San Jacinto, Polk, Rusk, Cherokee, Gregg, Wood, and Trinity.
Energy Assistance
Services provided are usually on a "one-time" only basis to assist households with utility, water, and electric bills. Target client populations are the elderly/disabled, households with children under six years of age, and working low-income families. Counties served are Nacogdoches, Angelina, Houston, Trinity, San Jacinto, Polk, Rusk, Cherokee, Smith, Gregg, and Wood counties
Emergency Assistance
Services are provided to clients based on extraordinary circumstances that could not be foreseen. Services include assistance with food, shelter and medication. Counties served are Nacogdoches, Angelina, Houston, Trinity, San Jacinto, Polk, Rusk, Cherokee, Smith, Gregg and Wood
Head Start ®
Services provided are childcare, education, and support services for children ages 3 to 5 in low-income households. The program is designed to serve and assist the total development of the child. Health, nutrition, education, and parent involvement services are stress to enable the child to function at an optimum level in his or her environment. Each Head Start facility provides some GED/Family Literacy services. The Nacogdoches facility provides a Family Literacy/GED Program. Parents and family members of Head Start children may enroll in the GED/Literacy program. The curriculum includes reading, writing, and math skills. The program stresses proficiency in oral and written communications and problem solving.
Contact your local Head Start for more information on GED/Family Literacy services. Counties served are Nacogdoches, Houston, Trinity, Walker, and San Jacinto.
Early Head Start ®
Services provided through a year-round program with early, continuous, intensive, comprehensive child development and family support services for 40 low-income children birth to age 3 and pregnant women. The program provides a full day childcare program from 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Program offered in Nacogdoches and Houston Counties.